Find Your Election Grifter Name

Your election grifter name is:

IT expert Marjorie K. Fanning

Name won’t open enough wallets? Try again: Male or Female

Tired of watching others profit off of election misinformation?
You too can get in on the action!

  1. Choose a new name that sounds important and conveys credibility.
  2. Share and retweet the posts of other grifters to gain clout.
  3. Depending on your skills, either:
    1. Make some election-related graphs and proclaim they show large-scale fraud.
    2. File a lawsuit to overturn the election using crowd-sourced affidavits.
    3. Demand “forensic audits” performed by you and your friends.
    4. Go door-to-door in neighborhoods of your choice and ask people how they voted.
    5. Produce a movie, host a large event, or schedule a speaking tour.
  4. Set up a fundraising page to support your mission to “just uncover the truth.”
  5. Profit!!!

Now get out there and start making irresponsible claims! Good luck!